Ep. 23 — How is Dayton Doing?: An Interview with Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley

In this episode, host Dan Skinner interviewed Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley. You can follow her on Twitter at @nanwhaley and also check out her podcast, Carry as You Climb.

In the interview we discussed the city’s recovery from the recent F4 tornado, Dayton having the 26th highest rate of evictions in the country, and the new Eviction Task Force that aims to create more stability for Dayton families. Mayor Whaley also talked up Dayton’s universal preschool program and gave her thoughts on an oft-debated question: Is housing a human right?

Then, Mayor Whaley spoke about the city’s drop in overdose deathsharm reduction efforts, and how Dayton and Montgomery County came together to form the Community Overdose Action Team. Whaley also discussed OneFifty, a nonprofit venture from Alphabet, and the Montgomery County Human Services Levy. Lastly, Mayor Whaley talked about Dayton’s sheriff ride-along programGem City Market, and how Dayton is trying to fix food deserts.

Books mentioned by Nan Whaley: Sam Quinones, Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic, and Matthew Desmond, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, available at fine bookstores throughout Ohio.
You can order Dan Skinner and Berkeley Franz’s co-edited collection, Not Far from Me: Stories of Opioids and Ohio (which Dan mentions, and to which Mayor Whaley contributed). For more information about the larger Ohio Humanities Council-funded project associated with the book, visit here.

In our news roundup, we discussed:

1.The passage of the state budget, which included 25 line-item vetoes and several pieces of health policy legislation as reported by the Plain Dealer, and the raising of the tobacco sales age to 21.
 2. Research from OSU's College of Medicine shows disparities in the use of patient portals, which are used to improve communication with patients.

3. The CDC’s prediction that Ohio’s saw a 22% decrease in overdose deaths in 2018. To read more check out this Cincinnati Enquirer article on the CDC's report.

Produced by Dan Skinner, Kyle Rosenberger, and Mark Franz

Editorial support and show notes by Jory Gomes

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Ep. 24 — Talking Kidney Care with Dr. Ray Bignall


Ep. 22 — Immigrant and Refugee Health with Sen. Tina Maharath